Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I played around with the format a little, let me know what you all think. I tried to darken the purple of the text and make it a little bigger, so hopefully it will make it easier to read.

Give me some feedback and let me know.


  1. For old people like me with glasses, the purple against the black background is hard on the eyes and difficult to read.

  2. I can live with the purple, and I'm so old I remember when Moby Dick was a guppie. But I do appreciate the larger font. Thanks for the effort.

  3. Bigger is better *snort*

    The font size looks good and I love purple :O)

  4. Just wandered over here from Momma Fargo's place, so as a newcomer, my opinion may not mean much, but really, the purple on black does make it hard to read. Especially at work when it's obvious I'm reading a blog instead of doing some sort of necessary research. :)

  5. Bigger font is definitely better, but I agree that the black/purple is a little difficult to read.

  6. I'm glad to see a font size big enough to read, but I've got to agree with the others that the colour combination kind of stabs at the eyeballs a little.

    I'm your newest fan; I was drawn by your blog title - I just had to find out if you were a screw or a con.
    Listen to me, all prison lingo. It's okay, my family is in the business.
    My husband says screw & con are more the terms used before my dad retired, and that they now call the prisoners pukes and the pukes call the good guys goofs. Aaaaannyways...

    So I've added AJMA to the blogroll over @ Venom, Secrets, & Lies under the header 'All & Sundry Poisons'. I'd be tickled if you'd stop by and check it sometime.

  7. Love it.. if you do your posts in Blogger draft.. you have more choices for your fonts. You can really get fancy there.. You can also find it under template--advanced..If you check out my two blogs you will see what I'm talking about. and I'm off to check it out..

  8. I like the purple better. Love your blog, bring us more!!

  9. Alright, Jail Monkey... purple or no purple.... little or big... whatever, girl! Just get back to posting stories! :)

  10. I tagged you over at my blog. Come play along!

  11. Come on over here we need some support

